Food Technology is delivered by Ms. Hayden and Mr. File in our dedicated Food Technology classroom. We concentrate primarily on practical lessons with any theory work being directly linked to the practical session. Students learn a broad range of preparation and cooking skills, and we draw influence from across the world for the dishes we prepare.

Lessons are planned to enable the completion of a dish within the session, students will then have the opportunity to sample their food at the end of the lesson, or to take home/ to residential at the end of the day. Students have to show consideration and understanding for each other through increased communication skills, especially with regard to Health and Safety. We encourage students to share their dishes with peers and staff in order to evaluate their food and discuss the dishes.

We aim to:
  • Increase students knowledge, to help them understand the importance of healthy eating and how this supports their wellbeing.
  • Support students development of a wide range of practical skills in order to enable them to work towards becoming more independent.
  • Provide opportunities to experience a professional cookery environment through our links with local colleges.
  • Enable older students the opportunity to study a Level 1 BTEC qualification in Home Cooking Skills.
  • Encourage the development of core skills by incorporating Maths, English and Science knowledge when appropriate.